Perla Future Coffee Project in Tanzania
The effects of climate change, such as drought, result in low, stagnating levels of productivity and fluctuating levels of coffee quality in Tanzania. Coffee farmers find it hard to meet the growing demand for specialty coffee.
Ahold Delhaize Coffee Company, Albert Heijn and Volcafé joined forces to act as an incubator for existing local nurseries. These nurseries can then produce more high-quality, drought resistant seedlings for a lower price. This makes good quality plants accessible to local farmers, so they can increase their productivity and the quality of their beans. The nursery is not a charity, it’s a self-sustaining business model, that is modular and scalable.
The project involves over 1000 coffee farmers in Tanzania. Those farmers increased their yield, and have a higher and more secure income because they are less vulnerable to periods of droughts. This allows farmers to improve their living conditions.
Transferring seedlings in the nursery